An overview of the swimming pool with a canopy in between - Gamyam Resort

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Leisure Stays at Gamyam Beach Resort

Irresistible Stays

Escape from the hustle and bustle of city life and indulge in a luxurious stay at Gamyam Beach Resort. Our leisure packages are designed for short stays and provide you with an opportunity to unwind and rejuvenate. Immerse yourself in the tranquillity of the sea, indulge in gourmet cuisine, and enjoy the world-class amenities of our resort.


An overview of the swimming pool inside gamyam retreat with trees in the background

Swimming Pool



Gamyam Retreat Kumta - A tennis player with a racquet and a ball with him


Gamyam Retreat Kumta - A player playing putting the basketball in the hoop


Gamyam Retreat, Kumta - The luxurious king size bedding in the Villa rooms at our resort

Lavish Stay


Morning Yoga

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