A woman sitting beside an ocean in a yoga pose

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Three people doing yoga in a room where there are two windows overlooking the view

Yogic Lifestyle

Yogi is like a warrior who is equipped with the right knowledge to break the barriers constraining his life and this path of awareness to lead a conscious life is termed the Yogic Lifestyle.

We welcome you to Gamyam to learn and adopt the right wisdom to find your way out of the maze of modern lifestyle disorders. This unique programme offers you classical Ayurveda therapy, customised knowledge sessions and therapeutic Yoga which align you with the "Yogic Lifestyle". Also, our other offerings like meditation sessions, tea lounge with library, and special movie screening sessions will make your journey at Gamyam enjoyable.

Here at Gamyam, we capture this spiritual quest through the learning and practice of the 5 pillars.

  • Classical Ayurveda - The ideal way to nourish yourself.
  • Yoga - The practices to transform and transcend to a new sphere.
  • Nature - Prakruthi as a nourisher.
  • Jnana - The practice of an aware life and mindful living.
  • Divinity - The potent superpower in the universe we strive to align with.


A Peek Into Yogic Lifestyle

Come, learn, enjoy and adopt the Yogic Lifestyle.

One-to-one consultation with our in-house Vaidyas and documentation of the progress will help you achieve desired results. Starting on Fridays and ending on the next Sunday.

Duration: 10 Days
Check-in: 4 PM(Thursday) | Check-out: 4 PM(Sunday)
Package Includes:
Stay | All Meals | Therapeutic yoga sessions | Ayurveda medicines | Knowledge sessions | Meditation | Group activities | Access to swimming pool, gym, indoor & outdoor activities | Library

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Yogic Lifestyle Brochure

View our detailed Yogic Lifestyle brochure, where we give you a brief introduction of every Yogic Lifestyle offering here at Gamyam.

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